Shivani Mathur

War, Peace, Rebirth 2018 - current

Entwined Poster
Fractured blue flame. 2023. Oil on canvas 50x50 cm
112wait Image
Hologram. Digital projection
098gift Image
Ahimsa, The pathway to peace. Sculpture model designed to be 150x120 cm
Charcoal Cabbage
A grainof salt. Mahatma Gandhis salt march, 2018. 72x104 cm

Curator Lindzay Chan on the series "War, Peace, Rebirth"

Shivani Mathur's work, “Fractured Blue Flames,” symbolizes an end to the Israel Gaza war, where intense heat and pressure, like that in a in a blue flame, is reshaping lives and landscapes. Back in 2018, marking the 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Shivani had created a solo exhibition featuring thirty distinctive works at India House in London. This exhibition delved into Gandhi’s enduring principles of Ahimsa, a non violent movement, which not only shaped the course of India’s history but also left an indelible mark on iconic figures like Mandela and Martin Luther King, who championed nonviolent resistance. Five years down the road, Shivani’s work, “Fractured Blue Flames,” revisits the principles of Ahimsa. In an effort to prevent further fuelling the conflicts and to mend the shattered state of Gaza, Shivani recognizes the imperative of breaking free from conventional perspectives and reshaping our approach with compassion and peace.

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